Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Preparing a Report for a Northwest Chemistry Faculty Meeting

Preparing a Report for a Northwest Chemistry Faculty MeetingYou may be familiar with the Northwest Chemistry Faculty, a student union for students studying chemistry at the University of Washington. The Northwest Chemistry Faculty (NWCF) was founded in 1989 by students who had received combined majors in chemistry and psychology. This group of people gathered on a number of different evenings, including some Wednesdays, to socialize, study, and practice in their respective disciplines.Today, there are many students studying chemistry at the University of Washington. In fact, Northwest Chemistry Faculty meetings are one of the busiest social circles in the College of Engineering. To get an idea of what goes on during these meetings, you should visit the Northwest Chemistry Faculty web site.If you have attended a Northwest Chemistry Faculty meeting and would like to share your experiences, or provide feedback to the new committee members, you should write a short report about the meeti ng. These are examples of what can be included in your report:* What were the highlights of the meeting? * What can be done to enhance or improve future NWCF meetings? * What needs to be done to continue Northwest Chemistry Faculty meetings? * How can students in other parts of the College of Engineering benefit from NWCF?There are only a few things that you will need to do when preparing your report for the NWCF. You should give yourself a deadline for when you will turn in your proposal, write your proposal according to Northwest Chemistry Faculty policy, and give due credit to other participants of the meeting.All of the important items are contained in your proposal, and you should be careful to follow the example set by the people who came before you. You may not want to reinvent the wheel, but there is nothing wrong with asking a question or making a suggestion that is consistent with the goals of the NWCF. You should also emphasize that you are writing a report, not a dissert ation; anything that might sound like a dissertation is better left unsaid.Keep in mind that the curriculum committee will want to know that you have come up with your proposals independently. Northwest Chemistry Faculty meetings are always very informal. You should avoid working too hard to appear as if you are trying to be too impressive.When you are ready to present your report to the NWCF, you should list each of the items you have listed above, except the deadline for when you will turn in your proposal. It is not necessary to state the deadline in full, although it will be helpful if you do so. When you are finished listing the items that you have written in your report, you should begin to explain why you came up with the ideas and what you think the NWCF should do to improve its meetings.

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